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Friday, August 26, 2011


So, I found out that I have PCOS and I have made some drastic changes in my lifestyle. I am on the low glycemic index diet. But it's not just a diet. The problem with a normal diet is that my body stores insulin rather than using it. By eating starches and sugars, I was making my problem worse. So I have limited my intake of simple sugars. I don't cheat myself if I want something. I eat what I want, but I am more conscious about it. I don't eat bread. At all. Or potatoes. I feel like they are my worst enemies in this. On the flip side, fat and protein are my new best friends. Ice cream! I can eat all the ice cream I want because the fat content is higher than the sugar content, my body will break it down slower, therefore not storing any of the insulin made. So yay me! I have finally found what works. My doc had me on clomid. That did not help. I think my hormones went more psycho than they were. The first month I was on clomid, I got a false positive pregnancy test. So that sucked. But I am over it. I am now on a mission to make my body healthy so that when I do actually get pregnant, the baby's living quarters will be nice and cozy. I quit taking the clomid and decided to give eastern medicine a shot. I now take a million herbal supplements a day, but I feel much better than I have in years! I think I found a good combination. I take cinnamon, inositol, lecithin, omega 3, vitex, b- complex, apple cider vinegar and I have just added dong quai, red raspberry leaf tea, and saw palmetto to my regimen. I am no longer the bitch that I was. I have been charting my temps since I started clomid and now that I am taking all the herbals, it has balanced out. It seems that my reproductive organs are doing what they are supposed to and I couldn't be happier about it. I now feel the obligation to help others with PCOS. 2 of my cousins have it, a good friend of mine has it and I am sure many more people that I know have it and they have not been tested for it. So look out world, I am now advocating for PCOS awareness. There are some major health complications associated with the disorder such as ovarian cancer, infertility, uterine cancer... Everyone should be aware of this disorder and the things that you can do yourself to make it better. So that's that. On a lighter note, I am moving back to Greer just as soon as I can. I have always loathed California and I can't wait to be back on the right coast!!