Come in, come in! Welcome to Nicole's World. Here you will find yourself inside my head. I can promise an adventure. I don't often allow people to just waltz on in, but I figure what the hell! I don't know these people from Sam. I don't know Sam, either. It's a little cluttered in here, but once you get past the old fashioned filing system my brain uses, you'll find yourself somewhere very special. Like helmet on the short bus kinda special. OHHHH- good news, I'm not schizo. I was really glad to learn that. Nope, I didn't go see a doctor. I have an app on my mePod that has like a billion random facts and one was that schizophrenic people don't yawn much at all. I yawn a whole lot. Nope, didn't research to confirm it. I like their theory, so I am gonna go with that. I used my dog's shampoo for my shampoo after I gave him a bath. My hair feels sooooo soft!! I'm jealous that my normal shampoo doesn't do that. Anywho, so I live in South Carolina right now. I moved out here from San Diego when I was eight. I have moved back and forth a few times, but decided SC would be home. I found the people in southern California are really stuck on themselves. Nobody cares who you are and they don't care to learn, either. Southern people, on the other hand, are awesome. They don't have to know you, but are friendly and willing to help someone in need at the drop of a hat. Perfect example of each- had a flat tire on the 5 in San Diego. 5:00 traffic and six lanes of highway- not a soul stopped!!! Not one. And there were many! In South Carolina, I put my CRX in a ditch in the pouring rain at eight in the evening and THREE different vehicles stopped to pull my car out. They didn't know me from Sam, either. Yeah, I like the Southern charm. These people are wonderful. On the other side of the country, in northern southern California, my husband's family lives in the mountains. Eventually, we are going to move back out there. Wish I could talk them into my neck of the woods. Did that with my Dad and he hates it here. The changing seasons, the rain, the bugs and the people's inability to drive. I think he is gonna blow a gasket. Oh, did I mention I went to school at Nascar Technical Institute A.K.A. We Will Sell You A Dream, Inc. NTI for short. I took automotive technology with Nascar technology. That was an awesome experience. Not only can I not get screwed by mechanics anymore, I also got to work on race cars and engines and chassis. That was awesome!!! But, as we all know, the chances of me having a career in racing are slim to none since I am not screwing anybody in the business and I am not related to any of them, either. Soooo, when I went looking for a job after school, I decided not to work on other people's cars because I don't like or care about their cars.

That is a cup engine. We had a spec lab where students built engines for cup races. It was awesome.
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