I love having an intimidating dog. People come to the door and it's about all I can do to keep him from going through it. I don't worry about anyone "casing" my house or plotting to do anything. He would tear them up!! My poor mailman came to the door once. I didn't hear him, but Hootch did. He barked so loud and violently, the mailman ran off our porch and left our property so fast, I think he broke the sound barrier. It was so funny! Just a few minutes ago, I had someone come to the door trying to generate business for his landscaping company. Hootch was pissed. He was snarling, the fur on his back was standing on end. I'm pretty sure the guy didn't want to stay and talk after that. I know he won't be back. Everybody is afraid of him, until they get to know him. When we go through a drive-thru, especially McDonald's, he leans out the driver side window anticipating his french fry treats. When we get to the window, the person working drive-thru is usually hesitant to take our money or give us our food until I tell them he is friendly. "He's nice, just excited about his fries." They still try to avoid him. He is a big scary dog. But such a lovey puppy. He has only met one person he didn't like. The guy is weird, though. Like psycho meats unibomber kinda weird, so I can't blame him for not trusting the guy. Hootch hates cats!! We have some feral cats living under the house. One ran out and across the road one day just as I was taking Hootch out to pees. That moose of a dog pulled me down the stairs trying to get to that poor cat. And I'm no twig. Big enough to keep him from doing something like that, or so I thought. I now have a scar on my right breast from the rocks that embedded themselves into me as I was pulled across the ground. I was pissed! I can laugh now, though. I can't believe he was able to drag me down those stairs. I even prepared for him to lunge, stood my ground, I thought. He proved me wrong. Once he realized what he did, he stood in one spot until I got up, trying to make sure I was okay. He is something else!!

Doesn't he look ferocious?
lOOKS LIKE YOU SLEPT LAST NIGHT. i HOPE SO, You know the question your friends want answers to is really simple - When in doubt, don't. But I'd still like to talk with them.