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Monday, June 14, 2010
It's been several hours and.....
No, I'm not gonna break into song. It's been a few days. I've had visions of positive pee tests dancing in my head. Although I can't be sure that we have conceived, I have an unshakable hunch that we did. I'm trying not to get my hopes up. It's very hard to do. What sucks is the waiting. I'm not the most patient person in the world. It hasn't even been a week since ovulation, and it feels like a month. Apparently the two week wait is an eternity. Before losing the baby last year, we knew we were pregnant for about ten days. Those ten days seemed to have taken a long time. I have a ton of memories of that time. Like my first real aversion to food. I had bought some dill pickle flavored Pringles because I love pickle flavored chips. I had one and almost threw up. We had not even taken a pee test at that point. I remember peeing on the stick- I think it was the next night- and I wasn't thinking I would be. I set it down on the counter to flush. When I looked at it again, there were two pink lines. I couldn't believe it. I picked it up to look closer like maybe my eyes were lying to me. Nope, no lie, I was pregnant. My husband was so excited. We called everyone we knew. Looking back, I know God knew what he was doing. We couldn't have supported the pregnancy. We both went to school 30 hours a week. Larry wasn't working- he had just quit his job. I only worked 1 day a week for $200 a month. Me and that kid would have been starving. That's not to say I don't still hurt from the loss. I was pretty sure that one was a girl. Call it momma's intuition. At this point, I am hopeful. I've had a pretty powerful group of young ladies praying for this time around. Now all I can do is wait.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Habits and money
I slept so good last night. I think I actually fell asleep before Larry. And Hootch. It was nice not to be the last one comfortable. I took a whole Benadryl before I went to bed. I didn't have a chance. That Benadryl kicked my ass. I got up with Larry at 6:30, so maybe when I try to sleep tonight it will be a breeze. My dad has Righteous Kill on. Can't believe how old Al Pacino and Robert Deniro look. Pacino looks like he has some hair plugs or something. Dad is a movie nut. Me, I'd rather listen to the sound of me typing then fill my head with a movie this early. And I say early because it is. For the most part, my brain is still on standby. The fact that I have anything to say is amazing to me. Found some pornographic quizes on facebook. I was pissed. I have nephews on facebook. I don't want them to come across that crap, not that they don't know what sex is already, but if I can help keep them innocent, I will. So, I reported them. Felt good about myself. Lol. Did my good deed for the year. Trying to find someone that will hire me. Apparently, I'm not desirable as an employee. Little do they know that I would take their job, anyway. Actually, that might be why they won't hire me. So I'm a little cocky, so what? I'm out of nicotine. My inner bitch is about to awaken. It sucks being broke and having a habit. This habit is ultimately more expensive than pot was. I spend five bucks every two days for smokes. I spent thirty bucks every two weeks or more for pot. I haven't actually done the math, but sounds to me like Marlboro Gold 100's is making more money off me in the long run. Pot is easy to quit. Smoking, not so much. I hate smoking. I hate the smell, I hate second hand, I hate everything about it. Except for the taste. I love the taste of tobacco. They got me young, too. Damn Marlboro Man!!! Anywho, that's about all I got in me for the moment. Until next time!
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Big scary dog
I love having an intimidating dog. People come to the door and it's about all I can do to keep him from going through it. I don't worry about anyone "casing" my house or plotting to do anything. He would tear them up!! My poor mailman came to the door once. I didn't hear him, but Hootch did. He barked so loud and violently, the mailman ran off our porch and left our property so fast, I think he broke the sound barrier. It was so funny! Just a few minutes ago, I had someone come to the door trying to generate business for his landscaping company. Hootch was pissed. He was snarling, the fur on his back was standing on end. I'm pretty sure the guy didn't want to stay and talk after that. I know he won't be back. Everybody is afraid of him, until they get to know him. When we go through a drive-thru, especially McDonald's, he leans out the driver side window anticipating his french fry treats. When we get to the window, the person working drive-thru is usually hesitant to take our money or give us our food until I tell them he is friendly. "He's nice, just excited about his fries." They still try to avoid him. He is a big scary dog. But such a lovey puppy. He has only met one person he didn't like. The guy is weird, though. Like psycho meats unibomber kinda weird, so I can't blame him for not trusting the guy. Hootch hates cats!! We have some feral cats living under the house. One ran out and across the road one day just as I was taking Hootch out to pees. That moose of a dog pulled me down the stairs trying to get to that poor cat. And I'm no twig. Big enough to keep him from doing something like that, or so I thought. I now have a scar on my right breast from the rocks that embedded themselves into me as I was pulled across the ground. I was pissed! I can laugh now, though. I can't believe he was able to drag me down those stairs. I even prepared for him to lunge, stood my ground, I thought. He proved me wrong. Once he realized what he did, he stood in one spot until I got up, trying to make sure I was okay. He is something else!!

Doesn't he look ferocious?

Doesn't he look ferocious?
Laundry and Jackie Chan
Laundry day, woohoo! I hate laundry. And dishes. Well, chores in general. I'm watching Rush Hour 3. I love Jackie Chan and Chris Tucker. They are hilarious together. I'm gonna try a more positive approach today. See how it goes. My pup and I stayed in bed today till late. And I mean late. It's hard to get outta bed when he is curled up against me. I sleep so good with that dog. My dad went to hang out with my sis and her little girl. They haven't spent too much time together since he has been here. It's been a month since they have done anything together. My sis needs to spend more time with him. I think her husband doesn't like my dad and he is a tad bit controlling so even if my sis wanted to see our dad, he probably would have a fit about it. I have mixed feelings about him. Sometimes he is okay, sometimes he's a prick. Yeah, I guess I'm not good at being positive. My husband works with my sis's husband. He's not easy to work for, apparently. He likes Larry working with him, but he is so damn moody. I think he could be bipolar. Well, that's enough for now. I'm going to go pollute my lungs.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Yeah, you guessed it. Not sleeping again. You noticing a trend?? I should change my blog description from insane to insomniac. Haha. I don't really have anything to say. The day is over and it was uneventful. I ended up writing my Grandpa rather than calling. Sent some pictures. Old pictures, but pictures he didn't have. I hope he writes back. My pup ate his entire cake . I'm suprised he didn't get sick. It was cute, though. He is such a good boy. Well, I think I am ovulating. And me and Larry have been practicing. Hopefully we can make some baby magic happen. Hootch and Larry are out for the night. We went to bed earlier to try and get me to sleep and I took something to help. It's not, by the way. I have an app on my mePod that I play regularly. It's a pointless mindless game that passes the time. It's addictive as hell, too. So I play that game and when it loses it's fun, I start writing again. As you have probably noticed, I have a lot of free time. Still looking for a job to fill my time. Tuesday is laundry day. A lot to look forward to there. I need a new hobby. Something else to interrupt the monotony that is my day. I get bored with things way too easily. It's like once the challenge is gone, once I am good at something, it no longer holds my interest. My mom read my posts. She told me I was very negative. Yep, I am. No ray of f-in sunshine here. More like Eeyore from Winnie the Pooh. I just kicked Hootch in the head. He didn't even notice. Well, I'm gonna give sleeping another shot. If you are a person that prays, I could use some help with conception. Thanks!!!
You say it's your birthday
It's my pooch's birthday today!!!! He is two years old. We don't have money to buy a bunch of toys this year so I baked him a doggy cake. Yeah, I am that kind of pet owner. Hootch was around when I lost the baby so I kind of turned my nurturing to him. He is our child. And he is hardly just a dog. This boy has more personality than a lot of people I have met. He pouts. He understands what I say. He sleeps on our pillows and under our covers. He's my baby. So this cake I baked him, I found it on a website. I will post the website on the sidebar here in case anyone wants to do the same. It's a peanut butter carrot cake. He tasted the batter and seems to have liked it. It's in the oven right now. I can't wait to put it down in front of him and see what he does. Lol. I think today is my Grandpa's birthday, too. He is the only Grandparent I have that is still alive. His wife and I had a falling out, I guess you could say. She disowned me over some stupid shit when I was 18. She was a cold-hearted woman that never liked me the way I was so it didn't really bother me that she didn't want to be in my life. What hurt is because of her disassociation with my sister and I, Grandpa disassociated himself, as well. Belva (my Grandpa's wife) died a few years ago. I wasn't upset. When I got the phone call, I was asleep (and late for work) I answered, got the news, hung up and I actually breathed a sigh of relief before rolling over and going back to sleep. Is that cruel? I don't think it is. She didn't like me anyway. I miss my Grandpa, though. He was a cool guy. I wish I was still in contact with him. I could call him, but he has a daughter that lives with him that doesn't like me either. I've tried all the "people connect" sites, can't find him. I could just say to hell with her and call anyway. Suppose I should. Well, Hootch's cake just came out of the oven and it's soooo cute!! I'm gonna ice it with something. Not sure what yet. I'm off to celebrate my pooch's day!
No title needed
Well, it's another day. Another opportunity to make a change. I'm not sure what kind of change needs to be made. Like change for a dollar maybe. I've checked out a few other blogs on here and realized some people are just not interesting. I'm sure I'm not either. Hahaha. Who cares? I'm not writing a novel here. Larry and I went to see my mom last night. Yesterday was a rough day and my mom is very comforting. I can talk to her about anything, and she helps me when I have an issue. She is hell bent on me finding a job. Yeah, I am too. I look and apply every day. Have no idea what I have applied for, but I have applied. For the most part, I don't go to businesses, I apply online because the places I have gone all tell me to apply online. And I hate this form of job applications. It sucks. There is no personal interaction, no opportunity to explain or expound upon anything. So my dad got a job. We are all excited. It has been difficult for Larry and I to live with him. Not that it would matter if it was him or someone else. Larry and I are different. We are what I call put-er-off-ers. My dad feels like he has to take care of me still, even though I am almost 30. He cooks for us, does the dishes, and then asks me if he will ever have me raised. I'm like, seriously, we were doing just fine just me and Larry. I cook, I clean, I do dishes. I just do them when I am ready to. We've been running low on money here lately. Our directv got shut off about a month ago. The internet is next to go. Oh well. Can't get blood from a turnip. Larry works so hard and I feel so bad that I am not working. Soooo- if you know of anything, let me know. I'm watching a movie with my dad- Last Man Standing. I love Bruce Willis. Kind of a distraction to writing, so I am going to go.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
A couple of colorful words in this one
Lol, the ads on here amuse me. I'm gonna keep them on for a little bit, see how it goes. So it is almost twelve, I am still awake. Took a half of something for sleep so maybe it won't be a late night. Or early morning. However you wanna put it. Larry and Hootch are knocked out, as always. Larry is hilarious when he sleeps. He will talk in his sleep. For the most part when he talks he runs the words together and talks so fast it sounds like a foreign language. The times I do understand, I just laugh my ass off. One night, he mumbled for a minute then he says "you better watch out mother fucker! Who's the top dog now?" I almost cried I was laughing so hard. The next day he had no idea what he was dreaming about. Another night, he was asleep and he jerks the pillows out from under his head and puts them either on the floor or on his body. He then sits up, still asleep and starts looking for them, saying where did my pillows go? I was like, really? He amuses me. Guess it's a good thing I have him to make me laugh while he sleeps. I don't talk in my sleep or do anything that is otherwise amusing. I snore. Not so much a good thing, though. Larry says I stop breathing here and there. I'm like no wonder I am always tired. I never actually get rest. We found out today one of his sisters is pregnant with their second. His other sister already has two. I was happy for his other sister even though she found out she was preggo right after we lost ours. I can't be happy for this sister. I think I honestly have mixed feelings about her. The day before Larry and I got married, she and I went shopping and she says to me, "don't take this the wrong way but I was so glad you guys lost the baby. My brother isn't ready for that." So, what way am I supposed to take that. Who the hell says something like that??? I never told Larry. I didn't want him angry with his sis. I am banking on him not reading my blog so he probably won't find out. Yeah, so really, can you blame me for not giving a rats ass if she is pregnant again??? Well, just wanted to get that off my mind before trying to sleep!
Email I just got, relevant to previous post
No apology for sending this! ! ! After hearing they want to sing the National Anthem in Spanish - enough is enough. Nowhere did they sing it in Italian, Polish, Irish (Celtic), German or any other language because of immigration. It was written by Francis Scott Key and should be sung word for word the way it was written. The news broadcasts even gave the translation -- not even close. I'm NOT sorry if this offends anyone because this is MY COUNTRY - IF IT IS YOUR COUNTRY SPEAK UP -- please pass this along. Come through like everyone else. APPLY FIRST - Get a sponsor; have a place to lay your head; have a job; pay your taxes, live by the rules AND LEARN THE LANGUAGE as all other immigrants have in the past -- and GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Think about this: If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone -- YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM! It is Time for America to Speak up. No wonder California is in such financial trouble!
Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant' is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'
Think about this: If you don't want to forward this for fear of offending someone -- YOU'RE PART OF THE PROBLEM! It is Time for America to Speak up. No wonder California is in such financial trouble!
Calling an illegal alien an 'undocumented immigrant' is like calling a drug dealer an 'unlicensed pharmacist'
What I want from our next Governor
I live in the state that is notorious for scandalous politicians. Mark Sanford, for example. I vote every election so I can have a say in what happens in our country and state, although I really feel like it wouldn't matter what I want, they have their own agenda. This election, I want someone that will take charge of our state. We are at the bottom of the barrel in education and if I ever have kids, I want them to have the opportunity to get a good education. So we will call that #1- Education. The next thing is the economy in our state. It sucks. I have spent more time unemployed this past year than I did working. We have one of the highest rates of unemployment. So, my #2- Economy. My number three, actually, if they were ranked highest priority to lowest, it would be #1. ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS. I'll call them Mexicans for now. I have such a high hatred for illegal Mexicans. No, I am not racist. I just have no respect for people that come into our country illegally and expect to have rights. Which, by the way, they have none!!! Arizona is right on. There is nothing wrong with asking for proof of citizenship on a traffic stop, nothing at all. No rights are being violated if the damn immigrants are illegal. So screw them! As far as South Carolina goes, they have taken over my "hometown" of Greer. They are freaking everywhere. I worked with quite a few illegals at Springs (a textile mill) before it shut down. They trusted me for some reason and told me how they achieve what they do. They come here illegally and go to an office in Greenville County where they pay someone $200 for someone else's identity- social security card, name, the whole nine... after doing that, they find jobs, which they get paid for untaxed. The money is sent home to Mexico. After ten years of doing this, they have to go back to Mexico. But, six months later, they come back and do it all over again. So, very little of the income they are receiving is being used for our economy. Technically, we could say that we are supporting F-ing Mexico's economy. They have children here, but no medical coverage, so the taxpayers, AKA not illegal immigrants, are paying for their health care with medicaid. A lot of them don't have income, and live off of welfare, which us taxpayers also pay for. It shouldn't be allowed. My dad always asks why I don't speak Spanish to the Mexicans, since I took 3 years of Spanish, and I always tell him, if they were here legally, they would know English. I shouldn't have to learn another language or speak one, for that matter, to support their illegal asses. Naturalization laws require you to be able to speak English to be an American citizen. So, if you are Mexican, and you went through the process to be a legal citizen, more power to you. Welcome to our wonderful Nation. If not, F*@K YOU!!!! I am taking back Greer!!!!!!
Just woke up
How bout this not sleeping crap is really pissing me off. My husband doesn't like it a whole lot either. I don't know why I can't sleep at night. I've tried staying up and then going to bed early the next night, but then I just sleep all day anyway. It sucks. And for some reason any time I take something to help me sleep, I sleep all day. It's a losing situation. I finally uploaded pictures of my family. My Hootch and my Larry.
This is my Larry. He is so awesome.
This is my Hootchie Poochie. Isn't he adorable?
Larry and I have to go pay rent. We pay $650 for a three bedroom two bathroom hellhole. Well, I say we like Larry has a mouse in his pocket or something. He pays the rent. One income household currently. And for our area, the rent we are paying is high!! The house we are trying to get, the payment is going to be less than our current rent. So that is awesome. We rent from a property management company. They suck!!! I wouldn't recommend them to anyone. They sent us an addendum to the lease stating all kinds of stupid stuff. The part that pissed me off was that we were responsible for pest control. Our lovely hellhole has a backdoor that someone tried to pry open way before we lived here and there is a gap between the door and the door jamb. Ants love that. I use raid, but all I could think is how are we responsible for something you should have fixed a long time ago?? So yeah, they suck! I feel sorry for any bugs that do make it in. My dog likes to hold them in his mouth and take them to his bed. He rolls on them, flips them over, lets them start getting away and does it all over again until they are dead. It is hilarious!! So, I guess I am going to go through my previous posts and replace my colorful words with less offensive words. Make it more reader friendly. Although I am not a big fan of censoring myself to please other people. Except my mom.

Larry and I have to go pay rent. We pay $650 for a three bedroom two bathroom hellhole. Well, I say we like Larry has a mouse in his pocket or something. He pays the rent. One income household currently. And for our area, the rent we are paying is high!! The house we are trying to get, the payment is going to be less than our current rent. So that is awesome. We rent from a property management company. They suck!!! I wouldn't recommend them to anyone. They sent us an addendum to the lease stating all kinds of stupid stuff. The part that pissed me off was that we were responsible for pest control. Our lovely hellhole has a backdoor that someone tried to pry open way before we lived here and there is a gap between the door and the door jamb. Ants love that. I use raid, but all I could think is how are we responsible for something you should have fixed a long time ago?? So yeah, they suck! I feel sorry for any bugs that do make it in. My dog likes to hold them in his mouth and take them to his bed. He rolls on them, flips them over, lets them start getting away and does it all over again until they are dead. It is hilarious!! So, I guess I am going to go through my previous posts and replace my colorful words with less offensive words. Make it more reader friendly. Although I am not a big fan of censoring myself to please other people. Except my mom.
A little whining
It's four in the am. I found how to change the time zone on here. I was pretty excited about that. I was doing a lot of thinking tonight and I NEED a baby. I feel like my life is currently incomplete. I have debated charting and checking my cervix but that crap is crucial! High low hard soft open closed... I get so confrused I don't know what to look for. Oh yeah and you kinda need some sort of cycle to base it off of. My cycle left me alone about six months ago. I'm so ready for a baby though. The experience of pregnancy, having someone love you unconditionally, teaching and molding a child's mind. I'm ready. But apparently God isn't. Yes, I believe in God. Maybe not the same one everyone else does. No, that's not it. Same God, just a different set of rules . I chat with God here and there. After I miscarried, I was very angry! How could he allow that to happen, I thought. I got past that anger eventually and realized that there had to have been some malformation of organs or something. And let me go ahead and say this- I don't care what you believe as far as religion goes. I have had a very difficult time with organized religion, the bible, and church. It's not that I don't care what you believe, I just don't want to hear that I am wrong and you are right, cause seriously- how do you know what is correct? Faith in a higher being is one thing, but putting faith into a book written by man- not by God- I just can't do it. So please don't talk religion with me. Sore subject. My God and I are on better terms these days. I guess I should be more thankful for what I do have and not so envious of what others have. I should work on that. It's hard to not be jealous or envious when your only desire is a child. Larry and I already know what we would name it. When we were pregnant before, I insisted on buying baby stuffs. We got four outfits, a blanket and bottle for Christmas (baby would have been around three and a half months at Christmas) pacifiers, diapers and wipes . My mom was going to hang onto them for us until we got out of school. She still has them. I guess that's a good thing. I couldn't look at them every day without losing it. People say that children pick their parents- like in spirit I guess before conception- and I'm like why not us??? My husband and I have a very loving relationship, we both love kids. He would be an excellent father. But like I said, maybe I should quit whining about what I don't have and be happy with what I do- an awesome doggy, a wonderful husband, and great friends and family. Quitchawhinin, Nicole!! Well, still not tired. Gonna take a hot shower and see if that helps!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Welcome To The Jungle ( we've got fun and games)
Come in, come in! Welcome to Nicole's World. Here you will find yourself inside my head. I can promise an adventure. I don't often allow people to just waltz on in, but I figure what the hell! I don't know these people from Sam. I don't know Sam, either. It's a little cluttered in here, but once you get past the old fashioned filing system my brain uses, you'll find yourself somewhere very special. Like helmet on the short bus kinda special. OHHHH- good news, I'm not schizo. I was really glad to learn that. Nope, I didn't go see a doctor. I have an app on my mePod that has like a billion random facts and one was that schizophrenic people don't yawn much at all. I yawn a whole lot. Nope, didn't research to confirm it. I like their theory, so I am gonna go with that. I used my dog's shampoo for my shampoo after I gave him a bath. My hair feels sooooo soft!! I'm jealous that my normal shampoo doesn't do that. Anywho, so I live in South Carolina right now. I moved out here from San Diego when I was eight. I have moved back and forth a few times, but decided SC would be home. I found the people in southern California are really stuck on themselves. Nobody cares who you are and they don't care to learn, either. Southern people, on the other hand, are awesome. They don't have to know you, but are friendly and willing to help someone in need at the drop of a hat. Perfect example of each- had a flat tire on the 5 in San Diego. 5:00 traffic and six lanes of highway- not a soul stopped!!! Not one. And there were many! In South Carolina, I put my CRX in a ditch in the pouring rain at eight in the evening and THREE different vehicles stopped to pull my car out. They didn't know me from Sam, either. Yeah, I like the Southern charm. These people are wonderful. On the other side of the country, in northern southern California, my husband's family lives in the mountains. Eventually, we are going to move back out there. Wish I could talk them into my neck of the woods. Did that with my Dad and he hates it here. The changing seasons, the rain, the bugs and the people's inability to drive. I think he is gonna blow a gasket. Oh, did I mention I went to school at Nascar Technical Institute A.K.A. We Will Sell You A Dream, Inc. NTI for short. I took automotive technology with Nascar technology. That was an awesome experience. Not only can I not get screwed by mechanics anymore, I also got to work on race cars and engines and chassis. That was awesome!!! But, as we all know, the chances of me having a career in racing are slim to none since I am not screwing anybody in the business and I am not related to any of them, either. Soooo, when I went looking for a job after school, I decided not to work on other people's cars because I don't like or care about their cars.

That is a cup engine. We had a spec lab where students built engines for cup races. It was awesome.

That is a cup engine. We had a spec lab where students built engines for cup races. It was awesome.
Bad idea. Bad.
So, my dog is dog aggressive. He doesn't like other dogs. He did when he was a pup. He became aggressive when we stayed with my hubby's parents for a month and a half. They had two dogs- a male and a female. The female was fixed and neither male was. They all got along great for about 3 weeks. Then one night, our boy and their boy started fighting. The next 3 weeks of our lives were spent keeping the dogs separated. They still got a hold of each other a few more times. Since then, my Pooch does not like dogs. At all. He used to be okay around little dogs or pups. Apparently, not anymore. Our friends wanted to take their pup to the mountains, too. So we decided to keep them separate. The boys took our boy- he is 90 lbs and strong as an ox. The girls took the puppy. We played in the water and had fun. Then, it was decided to see if the dogs could get a long. Now, there are other people there with their dogs, so I was worried about that, too. We kept them about ten feet apart. Hootch wasn't happy but he was okay. Then the pup barked at him and he was ready to fight. I was like, okay, let's go. I stress so bad. I just couldn't imagine something happening and then us having to put him down because he is considered a pit, even though he isn't a pit. So, we came on home. Hootch got some fries. He loves fries. So I guess that was his birthday present. I wanna be high right now. I was thinking about this blog, and I don't think I care if anyone reads this. I'm just glad to have somewhere to write. I get to take a shower and wash my puppy now. I'm about as excited as him. Off I go!
To the mountains....
Just got up. It's noon thirty. Hubby is in the shower. We are getting ready to go to the mountains with the pooch. I'm excited. I know today is gonna wear me out, but I look forward to it. Didn't sleep good. I was watching the sun rise before my eyeballs closed. It sucks not being able to sleep like a normal people. So, no more pot... I would start drinking instead, but I hate alcohol. I'm much more comfortable when I am high. The friends we are going with are awesome. They have a little girl and the chica is pregnant with a boy now. I'm ready for her to have that baby! She is like my sis. I have a sis, and she is an awesome sis and I love her, but I think my real sis and I are so different. My pretend sis is a lot like me. She's a good friend. So is her man. I have known them for like six or seven years and we still hang out, so that's good. I usually don't keep friends that long. Not my doing, more like life gets in the way. That and I am not that big of a fan of girls. They are manipulative for the most part. I guess I'm outta here. More later.
Aaaaahhhhhhhh! I need a title!!!!!!
This is pretty cool. Who woulda thunk it? I'm still awake. The time stamps on these are wrong, it's 3 am. I love that song. Matchbox 20 had a bunch of songs I liked. So yeah, I like being able to ramble when I can't sleep. It reminds me of doing " morning pages". It's amazing what clarity comes from being able to say what is on your mind. And ramble is something I do well. I am also really good at jumping topics. I don't know why I feel like I need to explain who I am rather than typing what is in my head. Like it's a stage production. I don't know. Btw, cause everyone needs to know- the band Paramore totally rocks! They are always in my head. When I was in high school I listened to the cranberries like all the time. Paramore is my post-teen cranberries. I love music. I especially like it when every song on an album is awesome. I hate spending money on a cd and then only liking one or two songs. That's like ten bucks a song. Or it was back in the day. I have an entire case of cd's that are like that. I can't remember what songs I liked anymore. And most of them are one hit wonders and I'm like really? One good song in your entire career and i don't remember what it is. Music is like a sound track of your life. Like I will hear that song Norma Jean and automatically think of my childhood. I love it. What is so funny about that is I don't remember a lot of my childhood. I don't know why. Maybe I should see a shrink to find out where my memories went to hide. Then again, I have probably smoked those brain cells away. Well I'm gonna try this sleep thing again. Will holla!
Friday, June 4, 2010
My husband and I got approved for a home loan! I am so excited. I have the coolest husband ever. I told him I wanted a moat and he said okay!! Awesome! I know, I'm weird. I think moats are way cool. Don't know if I would actually do it or not. Tomorrow we are taking our Hootch to the mountains. His birthday is the seventh so we are gonna take him on a nature walk with some friends. I'm excited. He doesn't get a lot of outside time. He is an American Staffordshire Terrier and he is called a pit bull all too often. The last job I had was for a company that fielded calls for apartment complexes (FYI the job sucked!! I have never been that depressed in my life!) We told callers all the features and regulations of the complexes including any pet restrictions. I had a trainer that I wanted to punch in the face because she continuously called amstaffs pits. I was like omg woman!! Do some research. Is the Internet really that scary that you can't look something like that up? You dumb know it all bitch!! Anywho, I have anger issues apparently. I also have the mouth of a sailor. I use a lot of colorful words to express how I feel. I'm also mean. Not so much to people I know. Well its not so much mean as blunt. I am quick to vocalize my feelings even if it hurts yours. I say things that hurt other people unintentionally. I am trying to work on having tact. Right now I am laying in bed typing this on my mePod. No it's not an iPod it's a mePod in Nicole's world. I should be asleep but it doesn't look like it's gonna be an easy thing. We gave the rest of the pot we had to some friends. My husband is quitting for work and I'm quitting cause I don't think it's fair not to. So God help me, I don't see much sleep in my near future. Well my mePod is dying on me. Time to toss and turn for a few hours!
Newbie, lol
So I thought this would be an interesting way to say what is on my mind. And for once, I don't think there is much there. I guess I should say a few things about me. I am 29, married with no kids. I have a dog that is filling that spot at the moment. He is great. So is my husband. I am unemployed right now but have an extensive background in crapwork. I still don't know what I wanna be when I grow up. There isn't much I am passionate about- sadly. I hate the government. I love America, but feel that all politicians are out for themselves. I've noticed many other people feel that way also. That's a good thing. More people need to realize that the government isn't working for us anymore. We need change. For our country's sake. Alright enough of the government, back to me. My dad is living with me and my husband. It's.... interesting. He's not a bad guy. He's a great dad. It's just not easy trying to keep my husband and my dad (total opposites) happy. Sometimes I just want to pull my hair out!! So, I smoke a lot of pot. Yeah, I do. It keeps me sane. It helps me sleep at night. WoooooHoooo!!! If I didn't, I wouldn't sleep. Legality doesn't matter to me. I have been doing it for a long time. My husband and I lost a baby back in January 2009. That was the hardest thing we have ever had to deal with. I feel like the only thing that can fill the hole that baby left in my heart is to conceive again. Its like not knowing you want something soooooo bad and then someone taking it away as soon as it is yours. A year and some odd months later, I am able to function. Let me clarify, I can get out of bed in the morning without anger and sadness and a pure hatred for the world. I can be happy for my friends and family when their families become bigger. I can smile and be genuinely happy. I still hurt. But I am making it now. My cousin that passed last June said it would either break me and my husband or make us stronger. It made us stronger. He is my best friend. My life. My mirror image. Well, I must go and fulfill my nicotine levels. Later!!!
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